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Riverview’s Paige Gran wins Speech Contest

Early in Sep. the District Farm Bureau Speech Contest took place. Many contestants entered, but Riverview’s Paige Gran emerged victorious. She now moves on to the state event, which will be held on Oct. 25 in St. Augustine.

Gran has been in the 4-H program since she was eight years old. Mrs. Hamilton pushed her to aim higher in her goals and entered her into the contest. Gran was more or less excited to be involved in the competition, but she gave it her all in writing her speech.

The topic of the event was about how the introduction of agricultural mobile apps impacted the agricultural industry. Gran reflected, “I didn’t feel that my speech was the best I could’ve done.” So, that only means there is more potential for her success as she moves forward in the competition and gets more comfortable. Despite her doubts, she still won the contest.

We congratulate her on her success so far and wish her the best of luck in this competition for the foreseeable future.

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